- Development of a strategy without market analysis.

- For companies that feel confident in the market, have long and competently engaged in communications with the target audience.

- Development of a strategy with market analysis.
To promote new products and services that need quick recognition and sales.

- PR in the media
formation of information occasions and events; development of a content plan for publications; copywriting with the involvement of professional journalists; daily communication with the media for possible publications, on the preparation of articles and the organization of interviews; initiation of publications in the media of materials mentioning the company; organizing and maintaining headings, columns and blogs in the media; work in the format of an external press service (coordination of incoming requests from the media); advising company representatives on the information policy of publications, communication with the press; dedicated media manager (media specialist); media monitoring, monthly reporting (up to 5 non-promotional articles per month)

- PR in the media (up to 11 non-promotional articles per month)

- PR in the media (15 non-promotional articles per month + press releases)

- PR in the media (15 non-advertising articles, press releases + TV + radio)

- PR-strategy on the Internet.
Analysis of search results, we will develop a promotion strategy on the Internet (blogs, media, social networks, etc.).

- PR on the Internet.
The advantages of your product or service will be discussed in TOP blogs, we will improve the quality of search results, we will write not aggressive advertising, but expert articles that unobtrusively lead the buyer to the conclusion about the benefits of your product or service, we will post articles in high-quality online media and create SEO-optimized content.
- PR-consultation, without preliminary analysis.
You will receive answers to any questions related to communications. Resolve any problematic situation and upgrade yourself in the field of PR. At a face-to-face meeting, we will analyze your situation, find a solution and draw up a clear plan of PR steps using modern effective tools.
Our consultations can be considered as a test drive of our services - so you will quickly find out if we agree on acceptable methods in PR, ethics of advertising campaigns, evaluation of the effectiveness of PR work.

- PR-consultation, with a preliminary analysis.
We will develop and implement the best solutions in your field. We can find a solution to a complex problem and quickly bring the company to a new level.
To increase the popularity of top managers, experts among investors, representatives of authorities, employers
Personal PR
- Development of a strategy for promoting a personal brand.
A full 2-hour consultation, on the basis of which you get a complete analysis of your personality, a roadmap for the development of a personal brand. Prescribed promotion strategy in accordance with the chosen directions.

- Increasing expertise.
Comments in the media (15 comments per month).

- Maintaining columns.
Maintaining columns on various professional resources on behalf of an expert (10 unique articles), in accordance with the strategy of promoting a personal brand.

- Maintaining columns in English.
Maintaining columns on international professional resources on behalf of an expert (15 unique articles), in accordance with the strategy of promoting a personal brand.

- Tariff "Expert".
We will create the status of an opinion leader, increase the value of a personal brand in the market, which will give you an increase in the likelihood of rapid career advancement and / or receiving an invitation from the right employer.
5 articles, 1 column, in selected media (up to 3 expert articles per month), 8 comments per month

- Tariff "Manager".
We will raise the status of your personality and business, increase public activity, as well as the weight in the professional community and strengthen your authority, improve the transition of relations with the authorities to a comfortable mode.
1 interview, 6 articles, 2 columns (6 expert articles), 12 comments, 1 speech at the event (there may be an additional payment for participation as a speaker). Maintaining personal social media accounts.

- Tariff "TOP-leader".
We will form an untouchable authority, get the desired leader status, the ability to influence the formation of public opinion, also we will increase the weight of a person in society in a fairly short period of time.
Participation in TV programs (with the exception of some areas of activity). Radio recording. Comments and columns in leading Russian and foreign business media. Inclusion in Wikipedia.
- Content marketing.
We will distribute content in priority channels for your target audience. We shall select websites, groups in social networks, blog platforms, media, print or online news publications, etc. We promote your content through influencers, webinars, podcasts, video portals, etc.

- Content plan for a month for 1 account, without analysis.
In accordance with the pr-strategy and the concept of brand promotion, we draw up a content plan for the month.

- Content plan for a month for 1 account, with analysis.
We analyze the chosen niche and competitors, and in accordance with the pr-strategy, we draw up a content plan for the month.

- SERM (work with the negative on the Internet).
Development of a strategy to quickly counter a negative information attack on a company or person.

- Collaboration with bloggers.
Attracting influencers to increase loyalty to the brand, creating long-term relationships for maximum engagement.


- Complete management, planning and packaging of your social networks. Filling is discussed personally.
Visual Assistant
- Design of promotion strategy in social networks:
we take into account the current position of the brand and the level of its popularity; we analyze your competitors, evaluate the overall situation on the market; study the activity of subscribers, the relevance of the published content; audit the previous promotion; form a portrait of the target audience, understand its needs. This gives you the opportunity to develop a unique selling proposition based on your benefits.

- Tariff "LIGHT":
account analysis (nickname, avatar, profile header); analyze the strengths and weaknesses; define a strategy for how and where to move forward; we will give detailed recommendations on visuals that match your concept.

- Tariff "BASIC":
account analysis (nickname, avatar, name and profile header); recommendations for eternal stories; identifying strengths and weaknesses; analysis of your feed with the selection of relevant ideas for your concept; compiled "moodboard" of 9 references that best fit into your feed; we will give detailed recommendations for creating not only a beautiful, but also a working visual; + Bonus Guide "What a selling post consists of."

- Tariff "Standard".
It includes the entire list of services from the "Basic" tariff, additionally we will select the best color solution; compiled "moodboard" of 12 references; we will give recommendations on defining the concept and USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of your profile. + Bonus Guide "What a selling post consists of." + 15 ideas for your stories/posts.

- Selection of illustrations for 1 account.
Selection of illustrations for your concept (up to 30 pieces).

- Creation of illustrations.
To complete this task, you need a detailed term of reference, a concept and a moodboard, in accordance with which up to 3 color solutions will be proposed, on the basis of which illustrations will be created.

- Stories.
Development of stories, in accordance with your concept.
- Development and training of your social media team.
Based on the development concept of your company, we analyze the market of competitors, in accordance with it we draw up a training plan, after which the employees and partners of the company can manage the social networks of the company and their personal ones, correctly position the brand, and promote the services and products you offer.

- Develop and train your social media team, with group management and homework checks.
Based on the development concept of your company, we analyze the market of competitors, in accordance with it we draw up a training plan, after which the employees and partners of the company can manage the social networks of the company and their personal ones, correctly position the brand, and promote the services and products you offer. Checking homework, daily feedback
Web design
- Website development on Tilda:
business card site, promo site, landing page, business site up to 15 pages. Website development, concept design, in accordance with the technical task. Illustrations are paid additionally, in accordance with their cost on stocks or provided by the customer. The text is provided by the client.

- Taplink.
Development of a business card for your social networks, based on a completed technical brief or a developed strategy for promoting a personal brand.

- Text.
Development of a unique SEO-optimized text for your site that will allow you to be found in search engines. Selection of keywords in accordance with the PR strategy.

- Graphic design

- Making presentations

- Logo development

- Visual packaging of your business in social networks

- Internet banner

- Website layout (Figma)

- Card design for marketplaces (OZON, Wildberries)

- Business card design

- Event invitation design

- Product merch design (flyer, flag, roll-up)
Media creation
- Development of the concept of your media.
Analysis of the chosen niche, drawing up the concept of your media, development of an editorial content plan, budgeting for the quarter.

- Media support.
The functions of the editor-in-chief and media director.

- Additional services:
development of an editorial plan; creation or organization of interviews with speakers of interest from any field; transcription of audio materials; writing exclusive expert opinions; rewriting of announcements and press releases; selection of events for coverage; selection of events for information partnership; providing comments; layout coordination.

- Team selection.
Preparation and placement of vacancies, conducting interviews.

- Assistance in obtaining a media license.
Collection of all and registration of necessary documents, filing for registration.

- Consultation on media registration (1 hour).
- Organization of shooting.
Selection of a team, choice of location, compilation of a mood board and terms of reference for a photographer and stylist.

- Organization of shooting + support.
Team selection, choice of location, drafting of a moodboard and terms of reference for a photographer and a stylist + attendance at the shooting, process control, assistance in posing.
- Presentations.
Simple presentation based on the company's brand and guide book.

- Presentation.
Creating a presentation from scratch, according to the technical brief, depending on the complexity. Be sure to provide examples that you are targeting
Organization of events
- Turnkey event.
Development of the concept of the event, scenario of the event, work with contractors, organization and support.

- Event organization.
The concept of the event is provided by the customer. The cost includes the implementation and support of the event.

- Information support of the event.
Preparation of a pool of information partners (media plan), distribution of press releases. Work on the results of the event: calls to journalists, reaching an agreement on publications, collecting feedback.

- Drawing up an event strategy for the company.
Annual event support
PR Department
Tamara Rutskaya
SMM and Web Design Department
Yaroslava Protasova
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